What Is a Bokashi Compost Bin?

Bokashi are the ultimate home compost bin and they make it so easy! You can put pretty much anything in these little gems including raw or cooked meat, citrus, fish and chicken… even small bones.

Bokashi use a two bucket system that fit inside each other and are airtight, which means no smells and no annoying flies hanging around your kitchen. The inner bucket has holes to let any liquid drain through. This “liquid gold” can be watered down and used as fertiliser on your house plants OR pour it straight down drains and toilets to control odours.

Why do i need A Bokashi Compost Bin?

  • reduce and reuse your kitchen waste

  • reduce overall composting time by up to 50%

  • boost soil nutrients in a natural easy way

how to use a bokashi compost bin

When we say this home composting system is easy to use… we mean it! There’s really only two steps:

  1. Fill your Bokashi with the usual compostable products like fresh fruit and vegetables, coffee and tea bags BUT also prepared food like biscuits or crackers, cooked and uncooked meat and fish, eggs and bread. Sprinkle it with the “compost zing” to start the fermentation process.

  2. Once full, leave it for 2 weeks, empty it into your outside compost or bury straight in the garden to complete the decomposition process.

is there anything i can’t put in?

  • Liquids like milk, juice and oils

  • Meat bones

  • Paper and plastic wrap

  • Seafood shells

Where can i get one?

You’re in luck, you can get your hands on a Zing Bokashi Compost Bin Starter kit at The Pantry, right here in Invercargill. The starter kit comes with the two buckets, your first compost zing and a handy guide to get you composting like a pro. Come in store at 133 Grace Street and talk to our friendly team.


Recipe: Hearty Winter Vegetable Soup