Abby McDowell Abby McDowell

What Is a Bokashi Compost Bin?

Bokashi use a two bucket system that fit inside each other and are airtight, which means no smells and no annoying flies hanging around your kitchen.

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Abby McDowell Abby McDowell

Five Tips To Go Plastic Free

Any time is a great time to make some simple swaps in your home and we’ve got 5 great tips to get you started.

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Abby McDowell Abby McDowell

10 ways to use baking soda

1kg of baking soda will last almost a full year and replace a range of cleaning products. Here are just 10 ways you can use baking soda from The Pantry.

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Abby McDowell Abby McDowell

Revitalise Your Home with these DIY household Cleaning Recipes

Cleaning doesn't have to be a chore filled with harsh chemicals and expensive cleaning products. With these DIY household cleaning recipes, you can make your home sparkle and shine while promoting a healthier, more environmentally-friendly lifestyle

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